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Meeting documents

Executive (I)
Monday, 6th January, 2014


Matter for Consideration:
The proposed updated Home to School Transport Policy
The School Transport Policy has been in place for over 10 years without a policy review. It contains areas which are open to interpretation, making it difficult to fairly and transparently assess applications for transport and manage appeals that are made. Current budget pressures require the need to ensure that the Council is making the most efficient and effective use of reducing resources. Greater clarity in the wording in the policy would assist in achieving this. The policy has been updated in light of the above and informed by benchmarking work done with other comparable local authorities.

Work has been undertaken with the Headteachers of the Special schools to understand their views on the impact of any policy update on the pupils and their families

There is no proposal to make a change to the policy as the principals remain the same. The proposed updates provide clarity and strengthen the application reducing ambiguity and the potential for successful appeals. The document attached at Appendix A, summarises the proposed amendments to the existing policy.

Does the information submitted include any exempt information?NO
Legal Considerations:
Under section 508(B) of the Education Act 1996, local authorities must provide transport assistance to and from school for pupils aged 5 – 16 if they live outside the specified walking distance between home and the nearest suitable school. The duty applies to home to school travel arrangements at the start of the day and the end of the day only.
Personnel Considerations:
Any reductions in the need for Transport may require less vehicles, therefore there are implications for the Drivers and Passenger Assistants on the Vehicles. An Equality Analysis has been carried out.
Financial Considerations:
The current budget for Home to School Transport assistance for Special Educational Needs is £1,015,539 . The Priority Lead Budget target reduction is £129,408
Performance Management Considerations:
Risk Management Considerations:
The potential for change for families currently receiving free transport could result in negative publicity for the Council. This will be mitigated through clear communication and information sharing. Road Safety implications for independent travellers, this risk would be mitigated through Safer Travel training and education in schools.
Relevant Officer:
Carl Baker - Deputy Cirector of Children's Services
Relevant Cabinet Member:
Councillor I. Taylor
Consultation Undertaken:
Informal consultation has taken place with the Head Teachers of the Special Schools .Authorities that have been benchmarked with as part of this process include Lancashire, Cheshire West, Chester, Oldham and Birmingham City Council.
Background Papers:
Is this a key decision?NO
Is the decision required in less than 5 days?NO
That the proposed updated Home to School Transport Policy is approved for implementation from September 2014.
Reasons for Recommendations:
A clearer policy will enable more efficient use of resources, driving out potential savings. It will also allow a more robust appeals process to be implemented, benefiting all parties giving clarity to the process.
Is the recommendation contrary to a plan or strategy adopted or approved by the Council?NO
Is the recommendation in accordance with the Council’s approved Budget?YES
Other alternative options to be considered:
To review Current transport routes and home to school transport is bus allocations are redesigned to allow pupils from Park and Woodlands to share transport, resulting in lower costs and a more efficient service. Walking buses could also be introduced, which could provide further savings.
Policy, Overview, and Scrutiny Committee Chairman (where appropriate)
Date Informed: N/A
Date Approved: N/A
The Cabinet Member agreed the recommendation as outlined above namely: That the proposed updated Home to School Transport Policy is approved for implementation from September 2014.
Date:6th January 2014
Reason for Decision:
A clearer policy will enable more efficient use of resources, driving out potential savings. It will also allow a more robust appeals process to be implemented, benefiting all parties giving clarity to the process.

Date of Publication:
20th January 2014

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